Identity divide(s) in post-Brexit Britain, March 2023
10 March 2023, University of Toulon, (France)
Organised by Karine Tournier-Sol (Université de Toulon) and Agnès Alexandre-Collier (Université de Bourgogne)
Sponsored by the MIDIB network
Chairs: Agnès Alexandre-Collier & Karine Tournier-Sol
09h00 Keynote address: Maria Sobolewska, University of Manchester “Identity divides over the role of race in British politics: Brexit and beyond”
09h45 Q&A session
10h00 Coffeebreak
Chair : Karine Tournier-Sol
10h15 Françoise Orazi, Université Lumière Lyon 2 “What is the identity in ‘identity politics’?”
10h45 Emma Bell, Université Savoie Mont Blanc “Responding to Identity Politics: Thinking beyond the cultural divide »
11h15 Mark Kay, Université de Picardie-Jules Verne “This Somewhere, This Anywhere – This Liverpool”
11h45 Q&A session
12h15-13h15 Lunch
Chair : Agnès Alexandre-Collier
13h15 Jordan White, Université Le Havre Normandie “The Home Office, Authoritarianism and Deepening Identity Divides in Post-Brexit Britain”
13h45 Karine Tournier-Sol, Université de Toulon “Playing the identity card: opportunities, limits and dilemmas”
14h15 Q&A session
14h30 Coffeebreak
Chair : Emma Bell
14h45 Chris Allen, University of Leicester “The re-emergence of ‘race’ within the rhetoric of the radical right since Brexit”
15h15 William Allchorn, Richmond American University, Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right (CARR) “Dialling Down Divisiveness: An Online Pilot Project to Test Effectiveness of Counter Messaging Among Far-Right Sympathetic Audiences in the UK”
15h45 Q&A
16h00 Concluding remarks
16h15 End
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Samuel Malby (March 3, 2023). Identity divide(s) in post-Brexit Britain, March 2023. Migration and Diversity in the British and Irish Isles. Retrieved September 9, 2024 from